User Agreement

This contract contains the necessary rules for you to benefit from the services on our site.

It consists of documents and annexes Privacy Policy which are an integral part of the contract and which are referred to in this contract and contract. User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ‘User Agreement’).

1. Applicability
1.1. The Terms & Conditions apply to the relations between any person using the Platform, in particular, the User, and arising from and related to the use of the Platform.

2. Definitions
Site:, the domain name and the subdomains linked to this domain name. All services and products laid down by the site.

User: A natural or legal person who is a member of the Site and makes use of all the products and services offered on the site under the conditions specified in this agreement.

3. Subject and Scope of the Convention
The subject of the User Agreement is the determination of the services offered on the site, the conditions for benefiting from these services and the rights and obligations of the parties.

The scope of the User Agreement is a statement, such as a warning, a statement and a statement made by the Site in relation to the use, membership and services contained in the contract and its annexes. By accepting the terms of the user agreement, the user accepts all statements made by the site regarding the use, membership, products and services in the site. The User accepts, declares and undertakes that he / she shall act in accordance with all matters specified in the said statements.

4. Membership and Terms of Service Use
a) Membership, the relevant section of the site, the user by the person who wants to become a member by sending the credentials to be registered by the registration process and the site is completed by the registration process is approved. Without the completion of the membership process, the user cannot have the right and authority to be defined in this contract.

b) In order to become a member of the Site, it is necessary to become a minor and, according to article 5.2 of this contract, by the site, temporarily removed from membership or not banned indefinitely from membership. As a minor or as stated above, pursuant to Article 5.2 of this Agreement, any persons who have been temporarily removed from the membership by the site or have been banned from membership for an indefinite period of time will not have the result of being a member of the site.

5. Rights and Liabilities
5.1. Rights and Obligations of User

a) The user shall comply with all the conditions in the User Agreement, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the Site and all applicable legislation, while performing the membership procedures, benefiting from the products and services of the site and performing any transaction related to the products and services on the site. accepts, declares and undertakes that it understands and approves all the terms and conditions specified.

b) The user shall be authorized to disclose his / her confidential / private / commercial information to both the official authorities and the rights holders, in case the alleged violation of the rights of other users and third parties in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation, It accepts, declares and undertakes that it cannot be requested for compensation.

c) Users are solely responsible for the security of their access to the system (Membership Address, TC No, password etc.) used by the users in order to benefit from the products and services provided by the site, and to keep them away from the information of third parties and to use them. The Site has no responsibility, either directly or indirectly, in respect of any and all damages and omissions of users, such as the security, storage, retention of third party access vehicles, and damages suffered or incurred by users and / or third parties.

d) Users accept, declare and undertake that the information and contents provided by them within the Site are correct and lawful. The Site investigates the accuracy of information and content that is transmitted, modified or provided by the users to the Site or uploaded by the Site, and is not responsible and liable to guarantee and warrant that such information and contents are safe, correct and lawful; also can not be held responsible for any damages caused by the failure.

e) Users may not transfer their rights and obligations under the User Agreement, in whole or in part, to any third party without the written consent of the site.

f) The users of the services offered by the site and the users of the site can only conduct transactions on the site for legal purposes. The legal and penal responsibility for each transaction and action made by the users within the site belongs to them. Each User shall not replicate, copy, distribute the pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs and lists contained within the site, in a way that infringes the same or personal rights or assets of the site and / or another third party. accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not act directly or indirectly with the site either through these actions or otherwise. The Site shall not be liable in any way directly and / or indirectly for any damages incurred or incurred by third parties due to the activities of the User Agreement and / or unlawfully carried out on the site.

5.2. Rights and Obligations of the Site

a) The Site reserves the right to change the services and contents offered on the site at any time. The Site may use this right without prior notice and without prior notice.

b) The site may give a link to other websites and / or portals, files or content owned and operated by third parties on the site. These links may be provided by the Site only for ease of reference and do not constitute a declaration or warranty of any kind for the purpose of supporting the person who operates the website or the site or for the information contained in the website or the information it contains. The site does not have any responsibility for portals, websites, files and content accessed through ‘links’ on the site, the services or products provided from the portals or websites accessed through these ‘links’ or their content.

c) The Site may use the user information contained in the site or the user information related to the membership, user security, the performance of his obligation and some statistical evaluations. They can classify and maintain on a database.

d) The Site shall not act as mediator or arbitrator in disputes arising between the users and producers within the scope of the Services provided on the Site.

e) Users and the site are legally independent parties. There is no partnership, representation or employee-employer relationship between them. As a result of the ratification and application of the User Agreement, no partnership, representation or employee-employer relationship is established.

6. Payments and Refunds

Users are obliged to keep documents such as bank receipts and debit vouchers after payments. It may be requested from the user if deemed necessary. The site is not responsible for unpaid payments.

Your payments will be processed in your accounts thanks to your statements. However, the site is not responsible for the damages caused by the incorrect entry of the statements. For easier accessibility and convenience, it is recommended to write customer cell phone number on the remittance / eft transaction via internet.

Credit card payments are made with the brokerage firm. The site shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the user’s credit card payment.

All products and services sold on the site are digital products.

7. Delivery Times

The delivery time of the purchased product or service is between 10minutes-24 hours. If there is a problem in stocks or if stocks are exhausted at the end of fast sales during the day, your money is kept by the site in your credit but can be refunded when requested.

8. Incorrect Use of Game Codes and Delivered Game Coins

a) In case of incorrect use of the delivered codes, the site is not obliged to submit new codes.

b) The Site is not responsible for any Errors that may occur in your Game Money orders.

9. Other Provisions

9.1. Intellectual Property Rights

a) All elements of the Site (including but not limited to design, text, image, html code and other codes) (works subject to the copyright of the site) are used under the license rights owned by the site and / or by a third party by the site. . Users may not resell, share, distribute, exhibit, reproduce, reproduce, or reproduce, or otherwise allow the site to access or use the products and services of the Site; otherwise, they shall be liable to cover the amount of compensation requested by the third party for the damages incurred by third parties including, but not limited to, licensors, and any other obligations, including but not limited to the court fees and attorney’s fees.

b) All rights of the Site to all property, personal rights and business information, including the site products and services, site information, site copyrighted works, site trademarks, site commercial appearance or any material and intellectual property rights owned by the site. It reserved.

9.2. Contract Changes

The Site may, at its sole discretion and unilaterally, modify this User Agreement by posting it on the Site at any time it deems appropriate. The amended provisions of this User Agreement shall become effective on the date of announcement; the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall continue to give effect. This User Agreement may not be modified by the user’s unilateral statements.

9.3. Force Majeure

In all cases considered to be legally ild force majeure a, the Site shall not be liable for any of its obligations as defined in this User Agreement or for failing to perform or execute it. These and other situations shall not be deemed to be delayed, incomplete or non-performance or default for the site, or for any of these claims, the site may not be liable under any name. The term, force majeure ön means that it cannot prevent the natural disasters, riots, wars, strikes, communication problems, infrastructure and internet faults, including power outages and bad weather conditions, but not limited to the reasonable control of the related party, but not to the extent necessary, will be interpreted as inevitable events.

9.4. Applicable Law and Authority

Adana Courts are authorized to resolve any disputes arising from this contract.

10. Termination of Contract

This User Agreement will remain in effect as long as the user is a member of the site and will continue to give rise to the provisions and results between the parties; the expiry of the membership of the user or the termination of his temporary or permanent membership will be deemed to have ended.

The Site may terminate this Agreement, unilaterally, in the event that users violate this User Agreement and / or the similar rules of use, membership and services in the site, and in particular if: we will be obliged to:

a) The user is in a manner to cause harm to the operation of the site by using any method,

b) The user has made another user account for himself / herself,

c) The user is present in the elephants who are in danger of infringing and / or threatening the rights of third parties.

GameUli Return Policy

Since all of the products purchased on our site are digital content, there is absolutely no cancellation or refund. For virtual game coins that you buy, you will be refunded if you return the in-game virtual money.

If the code you purchased is incorrect, the cancellation / return / exchange process is done after the necessary checks are performed. If you think the code you purchased is incorrect, you can contact our Live Support team.

Refund will be made within a maximum of 7 days if a refund of the successful product is requested.

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